Home » No Toilet Paper in Stores… Should We PANIC?

No Toilet Paper in Stores… Should We PANIC?

by KingofGeek
No Toilet Paper in Stores

Oh, here we go AGAIN! Remember the great toilet paper apocalypse of 2020? Yeah, those were fun times. Well, guess what? Some folks are getting that déjà vu feeling as supermarket shelves start to look suspiciously empty… yet again. You might be thinking, “Why is everyone suddenly hoarding toilet paper?!” Let’s dive into what’s REALLY going on and, spoiler alert, no, you don’t need to panic.

No Toilet Paper in Stores - here we go again
Here we go again

The Panic Button is NOT Necessary (Seriously, Chill)

So, what’s the culprit this time? Ah yes, it’s the longshore workers’ strike. Thousands of dockworkers from key ports on the East and Gulf coasts walked off the job, and naturally, people freaked out. Panic buying began, with viral images and TikTok videos of bare aisles and packed carts (because apparently, we all learned absolutely nothing from 2020). But here’s the BIG NEWS: 90% of the toilet paper sold in the U.S. is made… IN THE U.S. That’s right, your precious rolls aren’t stuck on some ship in the middle of the ocean. They’re right here​.

Is There a Shortage?

Technically, no. The labor stoppage doesn’t affect toilet paper supplies directly. Most of it is still rolling out of domestic factories like always. What’s REALLY going on? Panic buying, that’s what. Folks see a few empty shelves and think, “Better stock up before I’m stuck with the dreaded bidet,” leading to a vicious cycle of over-purchasing. This makes the shelves look even worse, sparking more hoarding. It’s like a toilet paper domino effect.

longshore workers' strike.
Longshore workers’ strike.

Why You Shouldn’t Panic (and How to Handle This)

  1. Stay calm. There’s no reason to buy a year’s worth of TP. The shelves are restocked regularly.
  2. Plan ahead. Buy your toilet paper like a normal person. You don’t need 50 rolls, Karen.
  3. Don’t follow the crowd. Just because everyone else is panicking doesn’t mean you should. Be the voice of reason!

What Can We Do to Avoid This Again?

For starters, let’s stop with the fear-fueled buying binges. If stores implemented limits (again), it would stop these irrational stockpiling trends. And hey, maybe we could all take a deep breath and realize the world isn’t ending just because your local Costco has a temporarily empty shelf.

No Toilet Paper in Stores
No Toilet Paper in Stores


There’s no need to freak out over toilet paper. Even with the ongoing strike, manufacturers are still producing plenty. Most toilet paper is made right here in the USA, and the only real issue is people overbuying out of fear. So relax, save some for the rest of us, and next time you see a video of empty aisles? Just laugh and move on.

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